Sunday, February 28, 2010

New things.

Today I spent the day in L.A hitting up my favorite local vendors, gathering supplies for the big day in March and just in general. I bought 100 peacock feathers, appliques, feathers, wire, trim, and elastic..i went a little over board, but I thought since fancyThat is doing so great whyyyyy not?! It's in my a little.. hehe.
I spent the rest of the day crafting in and out cause Matt's adorable nieces and nephew were over. I deigned 6 new pieces and I have to say... I LOVE THEM! I started using more lace and tulle, and It's going to be so hard to give these baby's away!
Since I just landed a major account, I'll be shipping out just about every day... bitter, sweet. Bitter because I'm not very fond of going to the post office... maybe it's just the one I go to. Since I ship out overseas just about every day the people at the post office seem like the get mad that I need to fill out other labels..makes me feel awkward..?ahahaa.. maybe it's just me.And sweet because... know!!
Oh yeah! My netflicks movie cam in yesterday! I rented miss pettigrew lives for a day! Super cute! I loved the costumes, the colors, and of course the time era.
Here are some snap shots of what Inspired me. Enjoy!

Such a cute movie! Rent it and we'll have a conversation about it!<3

Here are my new designs: All on sale at

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tutu Couture.

So lately a lot of my inspirations have been coming from textures and fabrics.. even though I still love to work with feathers! I have been experimenting with other ideas and designs. I love working with tule, netting, lace, pearls, wire, and stones. I started creating accessories that could be used just about any way. Instead of just adding clip and making them one dimensional I have now added pins to use as brooches and I also offer a 30 inch chains so they could be attached as a necklace and even through in elastic so people have the option of even wearing it as a bracelet.
I love to give variety in my designs. I strongly feel that you need to keep your customers guessing and try to stray away from making the same designs over and over again. I mean, that's just soooo boring and uncreative. I see some gals designs...and I'm like seriously? haha.
Ok, well that's besides the point...So here are some of my inspirations.


Tutu Couture headband, brooch, necklace. :$30

Oh! and I started putting my name on the back of all my accessories..super adorable, I love it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Handmade Displays!

I love my headband handmade display! Matt and I worked really hard on this thing!

So I have this big event coming up (will announce soon) and I need better displays! So instead of spending a fortune on headband displays, I decieded to make them my own with pvc pipes, block of wood, and picked out the fabric to go along with my theme displays! I got all of these supply's at cost was $25 bucks! Such an amazing idea!
Matt did all the sawing..I was too weak to do it alone.. :P

Drill saw to make the holes

First part of the display.

Andddd waaaLA!

Final Product!

Also, while hanging out in Matt's father garage..I started noticing all his fathers collection of vintage thing. It's crazy to think most of his stuff is worth thousands..nuts.

Ok,well that's it for now..back to creating...<3

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Oh my little fancy I received a gift of photography.. I recently has the pleasure to work with Angela Marie O'Cello in her recent photo shoot. fancyThat was there to accessorize her looks for a upcoming book where some of her photos will be published it! Exciting I know! I haven't seen those photos yet, but I'm sure they're on the hold tight! In the mean while she shot with her favorite accessory...

Check out her other body of works...

I am in love with these photos!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Today what of been...

The Alice in Wonderland Premiere..but of's in foggy London Town. All we (L.A) got was a lame press junket in Hollywood.. along with lame bands who for some reason are on the AIW soundtrack... If Lewis Caroll was around he'd freak out.The soundtrack alone gives me the feeling Tim Burton's version of AIW is going to be horrible.. I mean lets face it, Willy Wonka was horrible.. and I loved that movie. I'm not sure how people are going to take this movie, considering everyone is use to the Disney movie and not familiar with Lewis Caroll or his work... nor are people aware that Alice was a real person and that story was written for her and her sisters...eepp! I could write a noval about this..but I wont. :D Anyway..... SInce everyone and their mother is jumping on the bandwagon..I thought I'd blog about it. I have collect so many Lewis Caroll AIW books I could start my own library. I've played Alice in High School... one of my most exciting, well researched production I have ever been a part of.
So today is Officially Alice day..In my book any way. I pay homage to you Sir Lewis Caroll with a few of my favorite Alice things..

This is my arm, and I'm in love with it.

Alice Couture.

Alice- Yes she was real.

fancyThat Alice line..

I recently started collecting these goodies..<3

Seriously..TT needs to stop! So much of my bf's money has gone to her..hehe

UD book of shadows.. YUMMY!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm Obsessed.

Yes, yes.. I don't know how many times I have to say this.. but I was seriously born in the wrong era. Ever since I even had a sense of fashion (which was at a very young age..might I add ;D ) I've been in love with everything from the Victorian Era. Collecting every thing old from mirrors, frames, silver wear, jewelry, furniture..and of yes..clothes.. you'd swear I was your grandma. I have a pretty soft spot for vintage thrift stores.. and i am NOT talking about "the good will" I'm talking about the hidden treasures in L.A which I won't dare speak of.. hehe. Sorry, but I can't. But as you can imagine I take all the things I am passionate about and put it into what I design... I've been really into making fabric rosettes, I love to find fabrics that look shabby chic and rusty. I wasn't sure how my customers would like it, because it's a little different from the "norm".. but they LOVE them! I swear, I sit here everyday making them for's great. Not only could I turn them into headbands..but they make a really cute necklace. I am so satisfied with them..take a lookies..

A side from that..I have been designing my dream house with these super treasures..