Today I''m going to my secret location to buy more material and get down to business working on new designs and revamping my line. Leather seems to keep popping up in my thoughts...so, lea-Tha is what i'll be experimenting with. I won't go into full detail in what I plan on con-cocking with, but It's going to be major. All leather comes from %100 recyclable materials. I try to keep it as "green" as possible. Also, I'll be launching my official fancyThat site soon, I've just been so busy managing every other social networking site I'm on...it gets a little hectic. Another thing... thank you to all of those gals who keep sending me messages about wanting to be apart of fancyThat team. Although I would like some extra help...I like to work alone. Sorry.. :P Maybe in the future, but as for now, I simply cannot.But I am flattered that so many people took a interest in my company. Off to L.A.
francis for fancyThat.
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