Sunday, May 9, 2010

Welcome back!

Yes, I am completely aware I have been M.I.A from blogger!! There's just so much going on I've been too busy to post anything! Over the past month or so I've been busy at work spreading the word on fancyThat from L.A to across the pond!! I've been getting a lot of orders for prom, weddings, and just in general..I really need a extra hand sometimes! But I'm picky with how I handle things so I must suffer..ha. :/

I've started sell more at local Farmers Market ( all details on myspace) I try to keep my where about on the down low and only give out my information to fans, and friends. Why you may ask? Simple. I seem to lead the way for those who follow...and weathers it's new websites or farmers markets. It's hilarious and kinda embarrassing on their end.

So what's new with fancyThat...? A lot, I've added two more stociskits to the list! I am now being sold in London and as of a couple of weeks ago now on Dulce Marina!! You purchase one of a kind items from there and while you're at it have a lookies on what else she has on there! Super cute stuff!!
Also I've gotten some great photos from Lily L!!! I love this gal!!

I am also excited to announce that fancyThat will be selling at the Grand Opening of The L.A Flea Market July 18th!!! I'm beyond excited!!! Only 600 out of 3,000 vendors were chosen to sell, and I got in!! 25,000 people are expected to show, with celebrating appearances... so this should be fun and great press! You could find all the event information here! I look forward to seeing you there!

Well... that's it for now!
